Help with Triggers

Jul 17, 2020

Hi there!

I am building a course and slide 1.2 is acting as my landing page and all other slides branch off of that one. The goal is that when each objective is clicked on the viewer would see anywhere between 3 to 8 slides depending on the topic.

Once the viewer sees each objective, I want the objective to be set to visited. By the end of visiting all 7 objectives, I would like to make visible a button that the user would click to begin their knowledge check. 

My variables seem to be working, but the state of each objective seems to be changing immediately before needing to view all of the slides off that one branch which then throws off the trigger for the Begin Quiz Button I have at the end. 

I've attached my project. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

One thing I can tell you is that you will likely have problems if you have a trigger to set the objective to Visited. Built-in states like Visited have their own magic to make them work, and if you create triggers to do the same thing, there will likely be ugly conflicts. It's best to create a state with a name like Completed to avoid those.

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