Hover and click states not working on project AFTER publishing

Feb 15, 2016

Hi all,

Having an issue where something works in preview mode but not after being published.  All of my hover and click states work fine on a few menu buttons that are made out of pictures, but when I export to flash/HTML5 those hover states aren't working and the mouse pointer doesn't change to the finger/hand.  If you click over the button, the link does work and the picture does change to the visited state.  I've tried both Flash and HTML5 file types in multiple browsers, always the same problem.  Any help would be appreciated!


6 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Blake -- Thanks for reaching out! May I ask if you are testing your published output where it will ultimately "live" or be accessed? Please see here for details as you may find that, "If you view an Articulate Storyline course on your local hard drive (or send it to someone else to view on their local hard drive), you'll encounter security restrictions from the computer, web browser, Flash Player, and network that'll cause various features of your content to fail."

Please let us know if issues persist and we'll see what more we can do! :)

Christie Pollick

Fantastic news, Blake! Delighted to hear you are all set, and come to think of it, I also wanted to share this article, as I feel it goes hand-in-hand with the other Publishing and Sharing info. provided. Basically, it's a good practice to always work locally, but be sure to test your published output in the intended environment. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything further! :)

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