How do I assign points to options (for questions)? How do I add up all the points?

May 01, 2020

Hi Everyone! I'd like to build an assessment/survey with 10 questions. Each question would have 5 options (never, almost never, sometimes, fairly often, often). And, each option would be assigned a point (a.=1, b.=2, c. = 3, ...) At the end of the test, I want to add up all the points. Depending on the total points, users would get different feedback (e.g., 0-5 points show a green slide, 6-15 points show a red slide, 16-25 points show a yellow slide...) How do I start? Can I use regular test questions or am I building custom questions? I haven't used number variables but this might be the time? Let me know! Thanks.

5 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann
  1. You need to use variables. If you don't know how, let us know and we can point you to some training webinars we've done.
  2. Assign a value to a variable when a decision is made. For example, you could have one total points variable and just keep adding to it.
  3. At the end have triggers that say, go to X if the value is between these values, got to y if the value is between these values, etc

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