How to Add a "Are you sure you want to Exit" when clicking the Exit link

Jun 22, 2017

I would like to provide the learner with the option to either exit the course after click the Exit link that I added to the Storyline player, or Resume the course. How can I do this? Also, when the learner does exit using this Exit link, will they have the option to return to the course from when they left off? If so, how do I do this as well?

6 Replies
Martin Garnett

Hello, Nina!

Exit Message Prompt

There are 2 ways you could achieve your exit prompt.

1. Sticking with your exit link in the player

I'm assuming you added the exit link into the player itself, and I am also assuming you chose the "Exit Course" trigger to assign to it.

If you want to display a confirmation box, you will need to use the "Execute Javascript" trigger.

Here's the code you'll need:

if (confirm("You are about to close this module.") == true) {

You can change the message to whatever you like, but unfortunately, you can't easily change what the buttons say.

2. Place your exit button in your module itself (preferably the master slide)

By doing this, you'll have more control over the design of the confirmation prompt. You could add a dark overlay to your content, style your buttons, or even put a picture in it.

Simply make a button somewhere on your master slide, and give it a trigger to open a layer. That layer then contains a button to actually exit the module, or to "Hide this layer".


Resume Module After Exiting the Module

This one is an easy fix. In your "Player Properties",  click "Other" within "Settings".

There's a dropdown called "On restart" under the "Resume" section. Simply change that to what you want!

Simply change that to what you want!


I hope this helps, feel free to ask any more questions if I haven't been clear enough on any of these steps :)

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Nina,

Just as one other idea as you talked about Resume and Exit together - I always have liked this example. It's a way to prompt the user to save whatever they've got on the slide (even if that's the slide they are leaving the course on - normally it's saved once a user exits). You'll notice the way she included a "Resume" and "Exit" button to prompt the user for more action.

Bottom line, with Storyline, if you can dream it up you can likely create it. Or a creative community member like Martin can help you out! 😀

Martin Garnett
Phil Mayor

If you want control over the buttons, Using Martins first suggestion you could use javascript to increment a variable. Then on your slide master create a layer with your popup on. On the base layer add a trigger to show a layer when variable changes. This way you can have it on your tab and still control the look and feel.

What a fantastic idea. Never thought about using variables as a simple listener.

Nice one, Phil!

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