How to change the Modern Player colours other that "Dark" & "Light" theme in Articulate Storyline 360

Jun 07, 2018


How can we change the color of the Morden Player in Articulte Storyline 360?

If we select the Modern player, it shows only two options:

  • Dark
  • Light

Can anyone help me to find a way to use the different colors for Modern Player?


Amey Sawant


60 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Amey,

You can change the colors for the modern player, using the Light or Dark options, and one accent color. Here's how. 

If you need more control over colors for each player feature, you have two options for that. You can switch to the classic player and use the advanced color options as described here

Or, you can turn off the player altogether and create your own custom navigation with buttons, hotspots, and hyperlinks. Here's how to turn off the player in Storyline 360.

Hope that helps! 

Peter Locke

Hi Ashley,

I also like the general design of the Modern Player, but shouldn't the default dark and light colour schemes comply with accessibility guidelines (e.g. WCAG 2.0 AA contrast ratio of > 4.5:1) since these colours cannot be edited? 

Some examples: the visited menu links on the Dark scheme do not comply, and neither do the Light scheme menu, title, and resources links.

I appreciate that I can use the Classic Player and edit all the colours, but just wanted to know the rationale behind releasing the Modern Player if it is not accessible?






Emerson Collins

Not being able to set corporate approved colors in the Modern player, makes the Modern player, functionally, a little less modern. Agree with the Section 508 compliance comments with respect to contrasting color requirements. Come to think of it, since 26% of the demographic are color blind, in some degree or another, makes this a significant problem. 

Rotem Sameah

Other than changing the modern player's colors, a feature that's missing from it is adjusting the page's background. 
Having the basic ability to control the page's background enables me to create changing or unconventional slide shapes by matching the color of certain peripheral areas in the slide to the  color of the page's background, and make them dissolve into it.
I sampled the modern player's dark theme color and found that it's RGB(40,40,40) - so I'm using this parameter to dissolve slide parts into the background - but it doesn't look accurate on every browser. 
I usually use absolute black for page's background and it looks sharp on any browser - it looks as though the slide is floating on the natural background of the browser.
I would very much like the ability to adjust the page's background color for more creative results.

Emerson Collins

For those who have multiple clients, the lack of color customization may force them to use the Classic player or pursue other options. The last thing a client wants to see, in their training, is a player color scheme looking like their competitor's training. We really need color customization for the Modern player.

Di van Santen

I eagerly await the new colour options for the "Modern" player settings especially for the background which looks pretty unprofessional when a Rise page, where the Storyline presentation/activity is inserted, is a completely different colour.  I also need the ability to select a variant colour on the modern player to comply with brand standards for my organisation. Black and white for background is graphically very limiting.