How to import Engage 13 to storyline

Oct 03, 2013

I'm triying to import an Engage interaction to storyline, but storyline send me an error of compatibility 

What can I do?

(I'm using Studio Pro 13)

81 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Vincent,

The typical import method described here is using Engage 09 as currently Storyline doesn't support a direct import from Studio 13, but if you have a published Engage '13 file hosted on a web server, you could then import it as a web object. Mike Enders shared the steps here to add the Engage interaction as a web object. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Vincent,

Even if you purchased Engage '13 you can still use Engage 09, they just can't be installed on the same computer. I have mine set up to operate within a virtual machine, so that I run Engage 09 on a Windows 7 VM and then Engage 13 on my regular Windows 8 machine. If you'd like to talk with our Sales team about reverting fully back to Engage 09 you can connect with them here. 

Donielle Bell

I am using Engage 09 (never had Engage 13) and I am still having trouble getting my Engages to play. When I am in the preview mode, I see a message that says "Engage Interaction is unavailable during preview". When I publish it, so that I can see if it will play, a blank template is there as opposed to the Engage slide. Please advise. Thank you.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Donielle and welcome to Heroes!

To properly test your Engage interaction you'll want to publish it and then place within the intended publish environment as it's inserted as a web object. If you're not ready to place your content in a "public" location, you may want to try one of the options here: 

If you don't have access to a web server, here are a few free options to consider:

  • Tempshare: This is a free service provided by Articulate for testing Storyline content. Note: Uploaded files will be deleted after 10 days.
  • Amazon S3: Amazon S3 offers free hosting with generous usage limits. If you go over your limit, you'll be charged a graduated fee.
  • Dropbox: Place your published output in the Public folder in your Dropbox account to share it with others.
  • Google Drive: Change the story.html file to index.html, and set the sharing permissions to PublicHere's how.
Lynsie Lukashin

I'm really not sure why this isn't fixed yet. I've been watching and waiting to be able to use this software since Studio 13 was released. It's just unacceptable. It shouldn't have been released without compatibility, and for those poor folks who had been using '09, it overwrote it with an incomplete program. For me, it makes Engage completely useless, as I don't use Presenter. 

Gayla Keesee

Lynsie Kruse said:

I'm really not sure why this isn't fixed yet. I've been watching and waiting to be able to use this software since Studio 13 was released. It's just unacceptable. It shouldn't have been released without compatibility, and for those poor folks who had been using '09, it overwrote it with an incomplete program. For me, it makes Engage completely useless, as I don't use Presenter. 


I totally agree with you and feel your pain. I tried Articulate '13 and love the new features and would love to use them in Storyline. I can't believe we are still waiting for the promised update so long after the release of '13.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Gavin and welcome to Heroes!

I don't have an ETA to offer - but it's something our team is actively working on. If you'd like to stay up to date on news from Articulate the best way is to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and subscribe to our Word of Mouth blog. 

In the meantime, many users are inserting the published Engage interactions into Storyline as a web object - so it's a few extra steps but a similar result. 

To do so, publish the Engage ' 13 interaction and then:

1. Have all of your Engage output in one folder.

2. Rename your  Interaction.html (Studio 13) file to "Index.html"

3. In Storyline,click insert web object and click on the folder icon. 

4. Direct Storyline to the Engage folder (just select the folder, no need to navigate inside).

5. Click Ok.

Now, when you publish, all of the Engage files will get pulled into your presentation.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Raul and welcome to Heroes!

The support article here has been updated slightly as is below:

Currently, Articulate Storyline doesn't support importing content directly from Articulate Presenter '13, Articulate Quizmaker '13, or Articulate Engage '13. We're working to make this feature available in a future version of Storyline.

However, you can publish Studio '13 content for web, then embed it in Storyline as a web object. For example,here's how you'd insert an Engage '13 interaction in Storyline.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Amy,

Currently, Articulate Storyline doesn't support importing content directly from Articulate Presenter '13, Articulate Quizmaker '13, or Articulate Engage '13. We're working to make this feature available in a future version of Storyline.

However, you can publish Studio '13 content for web, then embed it in Storyline as a web object. For example,here's how you'd insert an Engage '13 interaction in Storyline.

Anna Powless

Ok, for anyone who may be looking at this, I found the answer partially, here !!! great tutorial!

It now looks good, but will not advance from previous slide unless I click on the page in the menu. It also places my interactive slide at the end of the presentation rather than in the middle where I have it.

fabio fonseca

Dear Ashley

I followed all the steps on the video, the engage files where indeed pulled into the published storyline 13 , as you can see in the files I attached here, but it did't work. I see only a blank slide, as if I haven't insert the web object.

Im using the trial version of engage 13 ( is there any restrictions on the trial version ?)

Both storyline 13 and engage 13 are running on the same Win7 virtual machine, and saving everything on the same defaut parent directory named "documents/my articulate projects" .

thanks for help,


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