Hyperlinks going to the wrong spot

Aug 26, 2020

I have been reading other peoples issues with hyperlinks but no one seems to have my issue. I'm using Storyline 360 vr. 3.33. I inset a link into a text box & point to "\\lhs3\fmx_cmmn\survey\SHS2019\diary\Collection\images" but after I publish it and run it off my intranet server it changes and goes to file://stchsfsb/grabjoh$/VDI%20Folder%20Sync%20Service/Desktop/SHS/SHS%20-%20Storyline%20output/story_content/external_files/images

Why is it changing it? It does this for every link I insert into the project.

6 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi John and welcome to E-Learning Heroes 😊

Thanks for contacting us and sharing what you are experiencing with your project file.

I have a few questions for you to consider:

  1. Are you working locally on your C: Drive with your software, project file, and assets?
  2. Do the files you are including have a file path well under the 260-character limit imposed by Microsoft?
  3. Are you testing in the environment it was published for (web or LMS) or are you viewing on your local machine? 
John Grabetz

Hello and thanks for the reply.

No I am working in a VDI environment then moving it over to my works network which is an intranet network.

Yes the files there are under the limit.

I publish the project as a web or CD output and its the same. We cant not use the LMS option.

I am viewing it ion my works network machine which I am connected to.

Why does the program change the URL when I publish the project? 

Walt Hamilton

Check the contents of the External Files folder. When you set a link to a resource, if it is not available on the internet, this is the way SL handles it.

Every local resource is packaged up and placed into the external resources folder, and is part of the published package. That way, it is available even to those who do not have access to the original computer.

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