Hyperlinks not working after importing translated text

Oct 24, 2013

I'm working on storyline files that have translated text imported into them. The content has many hyperlinks and I'm facing issues with those hyperlinks. When I run the story file (after publishing) and hover over the text having hyperlinks, multiple lines of text, having different hyperlinks, get clubbed together and open just one link. I deleted and rebuilt the hyperlinks, but the issue remains. Howevever, the same hyperlinks work fine on the source file (English version) that I used to create multiple versions.
Any suggestions on how to make the hyperlinks work the multiple versions I've built in different languages?

31 Replies
Tess Curnow

Was this problem ever resolved? I have a similar problem in Storyline 2 (latest version). After importing the translated text, none of the hyperlinks work. The triggers are still there, but nothing happens when I click on the hyperlinked text. In some, but not all, cases, the hyperlinks are within a scrolling panel of text.

I've built a single page test file and tried exporting then re-importing the text. In this example, the first hyperlink didn't work but the remaining 2 did. I had altered the text in the sentence before the first hyperlink, to simulate translation, but left the remaining text unchanged. Does editing the text and re-importing it break the triggers? 

Nagendra Hasilkar

Ok.. just two cents from me. Not sure if this is what Storyline requires to be able to work correctly; but I tried placing both the files (i.e. .Story & the translated word file) at the same location before importing. Also shortened the filename of the word file. These two steps made huge difference to the .Story file after the import. Though not all the hyperlinks worked, but most of them were in line.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Tess for sharing the .doc files here. I tested all your files, and then tested my own set up as well and was able to replicate the problem. I'm going to report this to our QA team for additional review and will share any information here with you once available. I cannot offer a time frame in regards to a fix or an update, so in the meantime it seems trying to insert a hyperlink again in that spot allows it to work correctly. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Johann and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Are you experiencing this issue with Storyline 2 and multiple hyperlinks in a text box? That's the issue I'm seeing reported for this thread.

I do not have an update to provide, but if that doesn't fit your issue, feel free to share some details and your .story file for us to take a look.

Marc De Vleeschauwer

Same here, using Articulate Storyline 360, going from French to English and even with a very short file name and a single folder.

I have opened my export file and see how the problem occurs: the hyperlinks in the original language appear as hyperlink (underlined blue and ctrl+k open the dialog box), but they don't contain the destination address. So the translator just copy the text, since they don't have a link to work with.

And when I look at the file into which the translation was imported, I still see the original hyperlink, which still refers tot he original trigger (the text in the original language). Thus, this box is not translated at all, neither the link itself (target/effect) nor the trigger.

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Marc, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

I appreciate you chiming in and sharing what you are experiencing with your project file. I'd be happy to walk through each of your questions:

  1. The hyperlinks don't contain the destination address.
    The destination or URL of a website should not need a translation. This information remains the same and is the address of a website.
  2. The translator just copied the text since they don't have a link.
    The text can be translated and will be imported back into your project as underlined blue hyperlink text.
  3. I still see the original trigger in my file.
    You are correct. The trigger will still be in the original language, but your learner will not see this trigger, and the translation of the software UI is different than translating the slide content.
    How to Localize Storyline 360, Studio 360, Replay 360, and Peek 360 in Other Languages

Please let me know if I've misunderstood what you are experiencing. If you have a .story file or Peek 360 video to explain, that would be helpful as well.

Marc De Vleeschauwer

Hello Leslie,

1) I work for the Canadian government and all webpages (internal or external) are available in the 2 official languages, English and French. Thus, when we translate training material, we need to change the text but also the destination, as the web link change since we need to land on the page of the other language. See for example https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/fra/h_wr00001.html.  For the English page, we just need to replace the FRA with ENG.  Canadian translators know it and when they see an hyperlink in a document they are translating, they can go and change the destination too. If it is not visible in the document, then the links need to be modified manually afterwards from the software (feasible, but it takes more time from our own resources).

2) yes, that is fine

3) in the module I referred to above, that situation made the hyperlink not work as trigger after the translation import. I have tried a few things and the only option I see is to recreate the hyperlink triggers manually.

But I have also received translation files from 2 others, shorter, modules, and for those the trigger of hyperlinks in the translated module appear to be mostly ok. I cannot figure what we did differently. I am the one who exported all the files for translation and imported back in. The "other" modules have been started by a student working for my, maybe they have a magical touch with the software? ;-)

Leslie McKerchie

I appreciate you sharing your specific need and use case for the hyperlink, Marc. I've submitted a feature request on your behalf. I wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests, which may be helpful. 

The hyperlinks will have to be manually translated and updated at this time.