Hyperlinks Within Text Boxes Don't Work

Apr 29, 2014

We had a test page on our website set up with our completed Storyline productions so we could try out the modules. Everything works/looks great except for the hyperlinks that are within various text boxes - for some reason they won't allow the user to click on them. I'm pretty sure I have the triggers set up correctly: It says "Jump to URL/File http://applicationurl  When the user clicks the text "application" inside"  

The text "application" is written in a different color and underlined so it seems that the hyperlink is active. 

Also, only one of the hyperlinks in the module changes from the mouse button to the finger button and highlights the hyperlink when the mouse hovers over it. None of the other hyperlinks do that and I don't know how to change it. There's nothing different in the States tab for any of the hyperlinks so I can't see what makes that one hyperlink act differently than the others.

Thanks so much in advance for your guidance! 

15 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kelley,

What's the url you're trying to hyperlink to? There is a least one known reason why hyperlinks wouldn't work, if you were using animation within your paragraph text box described here, but that doesn't sound like what you're experiencing. Could you share your .story file with us so that we could take a look? 

Kelley Hower

Ok I have attached the .story file. Actually, I think that explains half of my problem. The links that don't show any change are part of a text box that has first level paragraph animation. However, the other hyperlink (on the slide "Qualifications Of A CCE") isn't. It does have a fly-in animation as a whole text box. Is that the problem?

Kelley Hower

Hi Ashley,

So I sent the updated story to our web guy and he put it on the test page: http://www.3-a.org/Resource/Knowledge_Center.php?DocID=1750. The hyperlinks still aren't working. They have changed so that the text is highlighted when the mouse hovers over it, so there is progress. But when you click on the link nothing happens. The links in the Resources tab do work, so I'm not sure what I've done wrong with the hyperlinks in the text. I've attached the updated story file again. 

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Kelley,

Happened to see this post as it arrived. Just an FYI thatI downloaded and published your story and...

with Firefox 28.0 I can access all the links on all the slides (in the text boxes)

With Chrome 34.0.1847.131 m the text is highlighted w/a mouse hover and I see the hand pointer, but nothing happens.

With IE 11.0.9600.17041, an "allow blocked content" prompt appeared. I said yes, and again was able to access the content on the slides

I'm doing all this locally...thought some "browser data" might help

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kelley,

I think Rebecca was referring to testing the link within the site you shared here: http://www.3-a.org/Resource/instructional/Third-Party-Verification-An-Overview/story.swf and looking at that link, I see that users are being pointed to your .swf file instead of the story.html file. You'll want to ask your web guy to point to the story.html file for it to behave properly. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Rebecca for clarifying - I tested Kelley's file by publishing and placing a web server, as testing locally isn't the recommended method,  especially with Chrome's most recent update to PepperFlash.  With that being said, her link is still pointing to the story.swf file, and she'll want to have her web team point to the story.html file. 

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