Hypertext links not working when in a scroll box

Feb 29, 2024

Hello Heroes,

I'm experiencing an issue where the hypertext links are not working when in a scroll box.

This is a new issue in Storyline 360. It used to work just fine in the past.
I'm using the latest build of storyline360. I've tested in Chrome and Firefox.

You can see the issue here - https://360.articulate.com/review/content/68269fbb-e1b5-44f7-a0ba-162a25b664f7/review

Has anyone come across this issue lately?

Any help would be appreciated.

Storyline file attached.


3 Replies
Daniella Peters

Yes, my colleagues and I have had this same issue with hyperlinks not being clickable, except our links weren't even in scroll boxes. The only thing we can determine as a possible cause is it's a slide we recently made changes to (after the last Storyline update). The link was working before the update and now it's not. 

Here's the post I made about the issues we're seeing.