I need help with some menu questions

Apr 30, 2015


I need help to create a menu that has disabled sailing on a first visit, but on the second visit, the student can go to the content they want. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,


5 Replies
Stephen Mills

Hi Toni,

Yes this is very much possible, you will need to create a variable. This will keep track of the pages that the end user has visited.

If you create a variable called 'pages' you can add a trigger to add 1 to your newly created variable only when the user clicks Next. So for example, on page one when the user clicks next this will add 1 to the 'pages' variable this will equal to the pages viewed. By doing this, you know the user has completed that page and has moved on. Therefore the page as been fully viewed.

To control the locking, you add another trigger to say Change state of (next button) to (Hidden) when timeline starts, IF (pages) variable is less than (what ever number you assign that page e.g 1) So when a user accesses that page it will run that trigger. If the variable is less than the number you assigned the page it will keep the next button hidden otherwise it will leave it visible for the user to click through.

Same principle for the menu.

Hope I've made it clear, I said to myself "Yes this will be easier to explain" until I actually started to jot an answer down.



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