Is it possible to turn a question bank into a practice module?

Dec 09, 2013

I have built a course in Storyline that has 36 drag and drop questions for a graded quiz. Now my super would like to know if there is a way for our employees to just use it as a practice module where you can start the course but have an optional button that says 'done' on each page; that when pressed will pop up how many questions the employee has attempted and how many they were able to answer correctly as well as end the session. It takes a long deal of time to take the course and he would like it to be something they can use for practice purposes without being forced to do the whole thing. Is there a way to make this happen?

18 Replies
Simon Perkins

Yes, this is possible.

Use a variable to track the number of questions asked, e.g QuestionsAsked, and another to track number that are answered correctly, e.g QuestionsCorrect.

Add a "Done" button to each slide - it's your choice where it goes, maybe on the correct or incorrect layers, and/or on the base layer or wherever.

Have the Done button go to the Results slide when clicked.  Set up your Results slide to manage the scoring for your question bank.  Add some text on this slide that indicates number of questions answered vs number answered correctly.  Be sure to insert the relevant variable as required.  You can choose to display this as you may decide against having Pass/Failure layers (as this is a practice mod).  

Here's another tutorial re Results slide:

If I had the time right now I'd knock together a sample but unfortunately I have to disappear.

Good luck!

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Siera,

I just tried to upload a sample file, but it seems the forums aren't allow that at the moment. So, I'll retype (ugh) my instructions and perhaps be able to upload later.

Here's how I would do this - but I don't know that it would be passed to the LMS.

Create a 2 number variable - you could, for example, call them "correct"  and "attempts" and set them to 0 (zero).

Done button

In my example, I placed these on the correct and incorrect layers and had them jump to the results slide but, as Simon suggests, you'd need to make that decision. Also, you'd need to let Learners know to NOT click the continue but if they want to "jump out of the quiz" - instead they'd need to click on the done button

Add a trigger on each of the "correct" layers to add 1 to the "correct" variable when the timeline starts (simply create this trigger on one of the correct layers and copy/paste it to the others)

Add a trigger to the base layer to add 1 to the "attempts" variable when Learners click the Submit button


On the results slide, insert a text box that will show Learners how many out they got correct out of how many attempts, referencing the "correct"  and "attempts" variables, e.g.,

"You got %correct% correct out of %attempts% attempts.

(References are inserted into a text box by clicking the Inert tab (slide group) and then Reference (Text group) and choosing the desired reference.

Additional Triggers

IF you're Learners will have the opportunity to Retry, which is unlikely in this case, but I'm addressing it JUST in case, you'll want to add triggers to the Retry button to set the "attempts" and "correct" variables back to zero when Learners click the Retry button...and be sure these triggers are above the Reset Results trigger in the trigger pane.

I THINK I remembered everything! Please shout out with any questions.

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Ashley,

Interestingly, I got that error only an hour ago (what happens is I click on Insert File and I see a "Whoops! the page could not be found image and I can't get out of it without reloading the which point the same thing happens again). AND, I got it again now in Firefox. Moved to Chrome and am able to upload.

Perhaps there's something in my FF cache, but I have a gazillion tabs opened at the moment.

Anyway, tx a bunch for letting me know and here's the file.

Siera Hayes

Well, my points system is woking properly, but now I can't get my results page to track the number of slides that have been visited. I'm not sure if I'm missing something (I've gone back and looked at the references Simon left many times) or If I don't have my operators set up properly. I have my variables set up as:

Action: Adjust Variable

Variable: QuestionsAsked

Operator:+ add

Value: Value 1

When: User Clicks

Object: Button 2 - "Submit"

and then on my results slide I just referenced %QuestionsAsked%

Am I missing a step?

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Ashley Terwilliger said:

Thanks Becky, and if you have problems in Firefox later (after closing your tabs and refreshing) let us know! I've been in Chrome all day, so Firefox worked normally for me. 

Ashley, I just uploaded a file on a different page and FF performed fine...haven't yet cleared my cache. Just wanted to update y'all.
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Siera,

There is a file size limit to load into the forums, so you could either look at how big the file is and try to strip out non-essential elements (for the issue we're looking at) and try to share again here. Community members also share files by placing them in something like a public folder in Dropbox and sharing the link here, additionally you could use something like Google Drive or Microsoft's Sky Drive. 

If you're unable to use any of those, you can also share it with me privately here.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Siera,

Thanks for sharing that here. 

I took a look, and you'll want to change the trigger order for your "Submit interaction" and Adjust Variable. The variable needs to be adjusted first, as otherwise the submit interaction happens and you're presented with a new question - the variable never gets a chance to adjust.

I did just that on a few slides (and deleted the rest to test it out from the question bank) and the QuestionsAnswered updated correctly...although I never got the answers right! Guess I don't know how to make a sandwich...

Cool course though! I like the "grill" aspect. 

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