Is there a recommended video resolution?

May 11, 2016

Hi all,

I'm looking for a recommended video resolution for Storyline 2. Does one exist?



4 Replies
Techno10 Lorrain

Hi Julie,

Storyline 2 is particularly good at compressing videos. You can import HD videos and downscale them to your desire, Storyline will take care of the rest. Unfortunatly, your computer and SL2 might get a kick down on workability when importing multiple large videos. 

To keep the workflow as light as possible, if you can, I would suggest you go pixel precise once you decided the size of your video placeholders. If not, import HD and downscale it to fit your placeholder size.

The only thing I would discourage is to upscale videos. This might bring artifacts if the upscale is considerable.

On my part most of the SL2 produced are of size 1280x720 for widescreen ratio and 960x720 for regular 4:3 ratio. I had the luxury and time to go pixel precise on all projects.

If time is key, use HD video and downscale to your need!



Christie Pollick

Hi, Julie -- Thanks for reaching out! And while I will defer to your fellow community members to share their opinions and recommendations, I thought I would share the following general resources concerning use of video in Storyline:

Hope that helps! :)

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