Is there an export PDF option...

Apr 12, 2017

My team is in need of the latest version of a storyline file, to cross reference with the last PPT file. Is there a way to export a PDF or something of the last version of storyline, so they can review slide by slide, as oppose to running through the modules in presentation mode.

8 Replies
Holly Kidson

Is there another option if we don't have Word?  I've tried publishing to Word, hoping I can put it into Google Docs to open it that way, but it doesn't seem to save the file at all.  It gives me the "published successfully" message, but the location it's saved to has no new documents of any type when I close that window.  Not sure if it's me, Articulate, or the computer I'm working on, but this option doesn't seem to work for me.

John Morgan

Hi Holly,

Thanks for reaching out about this! Just so I know we are on the same page I have a follow-up question for you. Instead of closing the "Publish Successful" window, have you tried to click the "Open" button in that window?

This should take you directly to the folder the document is saved to.

I hope this helps!