Issue with Quiz Saying Answers are Incorrect When they are Correct

Mar 21, 2023

Hi, I created a quiz where the learner fills out a label with information provided in the instructions. The sections are divvied up among three slides, so they do not have to enter all into one. It's a way to give them feedback as they go and see what they missed. I have run into an issue where the LMS is tagging correct answers as incorrect. I have received screenshots and can verify that the answers are correct. When I troubleshoot the eLearning, everything works as expected for me. I am told that it could be a network issue that is causing this. I have attached a screenshot where the next to final slide provides a comparison of what the learner entered correctly/incorrectly and what the correct answers are. Their incorrect answer appears in red text. 

Has anyone experience this issue and, if so, how did you resolve it?
Thank you for your help!

7 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hi Cathy, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes Community! So happy you're here! 🥳

Thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this incorrect answer issue with your LMS. 

I have a few questions to help troubleshoot: 

  1.  What LMS are you currently using?  
    •  We recommend testing the behavior of your course in SCORM Cloud to see if the behavior is isolated to your LMS. You can test your course in SCORM Cloud, which is an LMS that we use for testing as well. Here's how: 

  2. Could you share a copy of the correct answers along with your .story file with us in this thread? I'd like to see if I'm experiencing the same behavior with your course on my end. 

Thanks so much! 

Cathy Frost

Hi Luciana, thank you for your response. Unfortunately, this went to my junk mail, and I did not see your response unit now. :( I think I might have figured out the issue. I got on a TEAMS call with two employees and discovered that they were typing in spaces after typing in their answer. The system logged it as an incorrect answer. Which made sense but, hard to control from a designing standpoint. I did add, in the instructions, to watch their spacing and I also added the typed answer with a space at the end as an answer option in Storyline. I tested that answer, and I had no problem.

This project was meant to be a fun and different experience for the learner to take information and enter it into a shipping label and, to be honest, it seems to be met with a lot of issues. It is mostly user error. E.g., misspelling words and inputting an incorrect date or (newly discovered) extra spaces. Maybe, you, or the group, could provide some feedback on how I can improve this experience? 

Some background - our organization would have learners take an eLearning around how to fill out a shipping label and read applicable SOPs - all logged in our learning center. Them they would fill out the shipping label under the observation of a trainer who would give them feedback and sign them off on the competency. To streamline the process, I created a competency in Storyline using mostly fill in the blanks where the learner could view the information to be entered and then enter it into the label template. When I was creating this project, I originally thought to make it a drag and drop scenario. After some discussion, it was decided to make it mimic a real-world scenario, taking information and entering it into the shipping label. 

I figured it would be a bit of a change for staff and an adjustment. But I guess there are a lot of things that can go wrong when the wrong answer is entered, and they think it is correct. Maybe I approached this wrong? 

I would appreciate your feedback and thoughts. 

To answer your question, we use Cornerstone as our LMS. I have attached the file and answers. 

Thank you so much for your help!

Steven Benassi

Hi Cathy!

I'd be happy to help with a solution that addresses user error when answering fill-in-the-blank questions in Storyline!

Thank you for sharing your project file; that made troubleshooting much easier!

Testing the course on my end. I noticed that slide 1.2 (Text Entry) is set up with only one acceptable answer for A3515:

I added two more options; one with a space before the answer and one after. I would recommend adding as many variations of that answer as possible. That should account for the potential user error after this course is dispatched to your learners!

Please let me know if this works for you, or if you have any more questions!

Walt Hamilton

Rather than try to enter every possible variation of a correct answer, I created a Javascript that checks for certain key words. You can add as many words as you wish, and it checks for just those words. Or, if you enter them that way, it will check for partial words (as long as they are at least 4 letters long.) You enter the answers in SL, so you don't need to know JS. You do still need to spell the words correctly, but it ignores case and spaces.


Cathy Frost

Thank you, Steven! I really did not think that spaces would be an issue. At least, until I observed a learner put a space in after words. I did not note it after the dates but, I am sure this can happen as well. So, that is a great suggestion. I want to cut down on the frustration for the learner so that this method can be successful.