Line Motion Path Not Working

Jun 10, 2016

Hi! I'm currently using Articulate 2 and I need help in determining the issue with my triggers, i have 3 text boxes that i want to move at the 26th second. I have used the motion path feature but it's not working. I've attached a sample screenshot of my slide triggers. Hope you can help me figure this out. Thanks so much!

4 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Joanna -- Welcome to the community!

Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear of your difficulties! You may find that it's a bit easier for your fellow community members to chime in with ideas and advice if you are able to share your .story file itself, as well. 

In order to do so here in a reply, simply click on the grey ADD ATTACHMENT button in the bottom left of the reply box and you will be able to browse and upload from there! :)

In addition, I thought I might pass along these general resources for working with triggers in case you'd find them helpful also:

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