LMS not reading Results1.ScorePercent

May 25, 2023

Hi all, we have Totara as our LMS. i have created a story that will have 2  results slides (Results1.ScorePercent and Results2.ScorePercent), passing either 1 of the test should result in the LMS saying the trainee has passed. The story itself says i have passed one of the tests  but when i close the browser, the browser updates the LMS (as it should) says i have passed but when i run a completion report, the LMS says i havent. does LMS only read the Results.ScorePercent or will/does it read the Results1.ScorePercent or Results2.ScorePercent.


front end of LMS gives this when the browser updates

Number of attempts allowed: Unlimited
Number of attempts you have made: 1
Grade for attempt 1: 100%
Grading method: Highest attempt
Grade reported: 100%

but the report generated doesnt say i have passed

2 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hi George, 

Thanks so much for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear that you ran into this snag. 

We recommend testing the behavior of your course in SCORM Cloud to see if the behavior is isolated to your LMS. You can test your course in SCORM Cloud, which is an LMS that we use for testing as well. Here's how: 

 If you are still having reporting issues after testing, please feel free to share your .story file in this thread or open a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening. 

I hope this helps!