Loud beep in video (only in published version)

Apr 09, 2023

So within a course I am building there are many videos and none of them have this issue other than this one

The after effects files, the mp4, and the preview version in SL do not have this beep only the published file does so I am at a loss as to what is causing this beep

I have even tried putting just this one video in a brand new SL file and publishing to try see if there was another culprit but it is still happening

If anyone knows why this might be happening it would be great to get an answer as it's very obvious there is no real way for me to hide this as it's within the published version and nothing else, the beep happens about 1/3 of the way into the video

Lower your volume before watching the video, the beep is VERY loud


6 Replies
Daniel Canaveral

Hi Adam. Have you tried swapping out the “SL version“ of the video in question from within the output folder for your original version?

In the link below, I attached a Word doc that outlines how to do this:


Adam Wager

Wouldn't this just mean locally it plays fine but if I republish it online it would use the same method and beep again, as it would re-compress to publish?

It might even be fine on the LMS it would be the client who would publish to the LMS anyway but just trying to eliminate any comments where possible, and this beep is something I have never had to deal with and it's even more strange when none of the other videos in any of the many other modules do this when put up for review

Daniel Canaveral

I’m working off the assumption that you have finalized your project and exported it using either the Web or LMS options, upon which you are experiencing the video with the unwanted “beep.” If you were to swap out the video found within the output folder for the original video, retaining the unique file name auto-generated by SL and then uploading this same output folder with the revised video file onto an LMS or other hosting platform, it should not re-compress.

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

the intergrated mp4 compression in storyline has some (known) problems - it is ALWAYS better to compress the video outside of storyline (HandBrake, Adobe Media Encoder, ...)  and set the compression in storyline to "none"

upload the .story file here in the forum, then I can see what happens in datail with the video