31 Replies
Math Notermans

As an LTI will enable a tool to create content directly on the LMS or publish straight to the LMS, i donot expect this to happen quickly. Especially Canvas is thus closed Articulate would need to go through quite some hoops to get a desktop app like Storyline working on/with Canvas.

With Scorm or xApi however you can publish your endresult quite well on Canvas.

Damion Young

@Math Notermans - that's not really the way that LTI tools work - content is generally stored on the tool provider (e.g Panopto, H5P, and ideally Articulate :) ) not on the tool consumer (Canvas). At its simplest, LTI act as like 'Sign in with Facebook' or 'Sign-in with Google' - Articulate would essentially be saying that it would trust Canvas to tell it who someone was and what role they have (ie student or instructor) in the Canvas course where the LTI tool was launched. It would then show them the appropriate content in Articulate, often embedded within Canvas to make it look as if it was actually in Canvas all along.