Mark a feedback master slide as 'use always this one' when importing a new template into an existing project

Feb 27, 2024

Hi, I made a new template. Is there a way that I can indicate that the feedback master in the new template has to be applied to all existing slides when importing the template into a existing project?

I am asking this because I made a new template that has to be applied to a lot of existing projects. So, what I do in an existing project is Slides -> my templates -> import a new slide of the new template. This way the new template is imported into the existing project. Then I select all slides -> right mouse click -> apply new layout -> I choose a layout of the new template. But the layout of all the layers of those slides is still the old blank feedback master. So I have to select each layer separately and apply the new blank feedback master layout. This has to be done because I have a critical trigger on the new blank feedback master slide that needs to be applied on all existing layers.

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