Modern Player arrows erratic behavior

Nov 28, 2022

My player's forward arrow usually goes next slide, as well as the prev arrow, which goes back. However, sometimes the prev arrow goes all the way back to the menu screen. Even when I manually trigger them to go to the previous slide.


Is this a bug? Can I fix it? It is pretty important. Thank you!

2 Replies
Judy Nollet

The default "jump to previous slide" trigger is like the standard "back" button on browsers. In other words, "previous" = where you just came from. It is not based on the linear order of the slides.

If you want the PREV button to always go to a specific slide based on their linear order you have to edit each PREV trigger so they jump to the appropriate slide. For example: 

You say you did "manually trigger them to go to the previous slide." 

  • If your triggers use "previous slide," edit them to indicate specific slides.
  • If your triggers already indicate specific slides:
    • Is the the default "jump to slide previous slide" trigger still there? If so, delete it. 
    • If the only trigger on the PREV button is to jump to a specific slide, but that is not working, well, then it's time to submit a case to the Articulate staff. You can do that here: