Moodle scorm course completion

Jun 29, 2020

Dear all,

We have encountered an issue which seems to have started since the latest update. We use Moodle as an LMS. When we now upload a new scorm-file Moodle does not recognize the completion (completed or passed). We have tried every setting in Moodle as well as in Articulate Storyline. Anybody else experiencing this problem? Somebody knows how to solve or workaround this problem? 

We haven't experienced this ever before. 

Kind regards,


13 Replies
Erik van der Zande

Thank you Lauren,

Without reading your rescourses we have found a workaround: The activity triggers completion in Moodle when we disable the Launch in new window function in Articulate (Player settings). Weirdly enough this wasn't an issue before. 

Testing in scormcloud delivers the same weird results. So when using the 'Launch in new window' function, completion in scormcloud is not being recorded.  Hope anybody has a solution for it.

Dan Marsden

Recent security changes to Modern browsers have broken some aspects of SCORM communication in older versions of Moodle. What version of Moodle are you using? - do you update it regularly with the latest security patches?

If you're using an old unsupported Moodle version you will need to upgrade to a recent release so that SCORM continues to operate as expected.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Erik!

Great news!  We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes that you'll see in the release notes here

The item you'll be interested in is:

Fixed: Course completions and quiz scores weren't recorded in an LMS when the player was set to launch in a new window.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Jamie Wick

Hi everyone!

My course was registering completion as normal (SCORM 1.2 in our LMS) since May 18, 2020. Last week I had to make a minor change to the content based on an update in policy received from our compliance area. I did not change my course completion triggers or republish in a different way. Once I uploaded the new SCORM package to our LMS, learners stopped receiving completion credit in my course, even though they reached the screen that triggers course completion. I reverted my Storyline version back to the 05/05/20 date and republished the SCORM package and everything seems to be working again. Does anyone know if this is a known issue with the latest version of 07/24/2020? Thanks in advance for your help!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Jamie and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for contacting us and sharing the details of what you experienced with your published course.

We corrected an issue with the latest update to Storyline 360, Build 3.42.22734.0 as you can see in our Version History here.

Do you have one of the published packages where you were experiencing the completion issue? I'm curious about what build they were published with.

You can check by:

  1. Unzipping the package
  2. Right-click on story.html file 
  3. Open-with Notepad
  4. Find information as image shows:

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Nicole,

I apologize if a combination of my reply and Jamie's reply indicated that this was a long-standing issue. This issue began with the update on July 21st and we corrected with an update on July 24th, so a small window of time.

If you're still seeing an issue in the latest update, with your permission, I'd like you to share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.

Jamie Wick

Thank you so much for your information. Ok, looks like the one that didn't work was not the latest version, possibly the one right before:

!-- Created using Storyline 360 - -->
<!-- version: 3.42.22691.0 -->

I will update my version and republish and run a test and let you know. Thank you again for your help!


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