Morph transition in Storyline

Feb 26, 2019

Hi Everyone. I need a help to learn how can I make morph transition as it is in powerpoint in storyline (like making a curved page turn and zoom at the same time)?:) Thanks.

55 Replies
ISC Support

This is an ongoing request that has never truly received any traction from articulate. I have put in a featured request and I believe others have also.

There are many other transitions surprisingly not supported by articulate:

From my understanding, others have tried to make videos out of PowerPoint when using this transition and then add in navigation when using Articulate. Others have tried to recreate the transition directly in Articulate. Some have used other authoring tools to see if it was better supported.

I am going to try and do the video option because my client has already seen the demo out of PowerPoint and loves it. So if that does not work I may have to try another authoring tool or do a little back in coding with some Microsoft plugins to make it work.

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Carlo, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

This is not a feature that has been implemented at this time. I wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests, which may be helpful. This conversation is attached so that we can share any updates with you here in the future.

You can see all of the updates and features added to Storyline 360 here:

Storyline 360 Version History

As well as our upcoming features outlined here:

Articulate 360 Feature Roadmap

David Kolmer

This feature would be nice. A workaround I have used is to create an image from Storyline and paste it in PowerPoint as a guide then replace the objects and create the Morph transition. then export that to a video and place that at the end of the Storyline slide. It is not tricky or time-consuming and it works. It does diminish editability in Storyline but if all you are morphing is an object or icons, it works well.

Learning Serg

Hi - this request has been around for four years. And it's not the only one (requests for a Mac compatible version of Articulate has been around for 10+ years).  So, could we get (or be directed) to insight on why these highly desired and requested asks aren't prioritized or addressed (especially for such expensive software)? Is it staff shortage? Tech operations? Can community members help in the development of these features in exchange for pay or product licenses?  

Jean Marrapodi

Jumping off of David's idea, I took a PowerPoint deck that Sarah Hodge shared that had great morphing transitions and tried to get Storyline to do the same thing.

Scene 1: I imported it into Storyline and it kept the animations but not the transitions.
Scene 2: I played with the Storyline transitions to see if I could get anything close to the PPT. Nada.
Scene 3: I did File Save as Video in PPT and imported it into Storyline and Voila! A replica of the PPT actions.

I've attached the Storyline file showing this, and put the original PPT in the resources.

I also discovered that PPT's Recording tab ribbon has a Publish to Video button that does the same thing as save to MP4 AND the Publish to Microsoft Stream creates the same thing in Stream, so no need to convert to video and upload. 

PPT Recording ribbon tab, highlighting the Export to Video and Publish to Stream buttons


Thank you, Kelly!  PowerPoint has come out with a great updated product.  PPTs can still be imported into most LMS' these days, especially when you can create a quiz in the LMS.  We Articulate fans know what a great product this is, so we want to keep up with, no surpass the best!  Morphing is the fun new thing these days.  GSAP is built-in, but perhaps the new plugs in could be integrated as well?  I love working with Storyline and Rise.  Thank  you for the great support.