My triggers are not working

Mar 06, 2018

I have a slide with five buttons that go to exercise slides, I want two of those buttons to be mandatory. So, I hid the Main Menu button when the timeline starts. Then I built a trigger to change the state of that button to normal when two of the buttons are visited. It's not working. Could it be because of where the last trigger lies? It's at the bottom or the trigger field. I'm using SL3



1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

Two  things come to mind (well actually three, if you include "Did it change anything when you moved the last trigger up in the list?").

1. I don't trust visiting other slides, then coming back and depending on the visited state. May work, may not. Visited states are great for keeping track of layers visited on the same slide, but not visiting other slides. That is why a lot of us use variables, like in the sample here which illustrates ways of restricting navigation until other slides have been visited.

2. Even if you get lucky and the visited state works for you, "when state of xx is ..." almost never does. Start with a trigger that hides Main Menu button when timeline starts, than add another one that shows Main Menu button when timeline starts if variables show that all the mandatory slides have been visited.

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