Need Button To appear When Text Is Entered

Dec 18, 2023


I need a button to appear after typing some text in a box. I can't get it to appear unless the learner clicks outside of the box. How can I get it to appear after they type a few words? 

The slide is a what would you do. With a text entry box they can type their ideas in. Then there is a button that takes them back to the main page. I don't want the button to appear until they type something. I just have the text entry loses focus trigger Set TextEntry to typed value. I can't figure out what next. Any help is appreciated. 

Thank you!

7 Replies

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your reply. I did try hiding the button when the timeline started. Then showing it when user clicks into text box but it still doesn't force them to type anything. I also tried adding a trigger when TextEntry changes set state of button to normal if value does not equal blank. This works but I still have to click out of box to get button to appear. The dream is after a few words the button appears. Any other suggestions?  


Phil Mayor

You should be able to use

let inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');

function fnBlur(e) {;;


for (let index = 0; index < inputs.length; ++index) {



To blur and refocus the text entry field