New in Storyline 360: 64-bit App

Nov 28, 2023

Creating media-rich and other complex projects in Storyline 360 just got better. Thanks to the 64-bit app you'll enjoy faster authoring and increased stability no matter what you've got in the works.

As of May 2024, 64-bit Storyline 360 is the default Storyline version in the desktop app. That means you get enhanced stability, performance, and memory access with no extra steps.

Excited to check this feature out? Articulate 360 subscribers can access 64-bit Storyline 360 right away. And if you want to try this highly-requested feature but don't have Articulate 360, just start a free 30-day trial. For more details about 64-bit Storyline 360, check out this article: Storyline 360: 64-bit App.

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106 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Ryan!

To clarify, are you finding that Storyline 360 64-bit isn't opening, but Storyline 360 is? Are you seeing an error message when trying to launch 64-bit? 

I am using Parallels and haven't run into any issues when launching 64-bit. One quick step to try is uninstalling and reinstalling right from your Articulate 360 desktop app.

Please keep us updated!

Steven Benassi

Hi Ryan!

Sorry to hear that reinstalling the Articulate 360 desktop application didn't do the trick!

Not to worry! I've opened a support case on your behalf so our support engineers can investigate this issue further. You're in excellent hands troubleshooting with them and they should be reaching out to you shortly!

We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.

Mark Johnson
Todd Haynes

Please see my post: Static publishing for videos using 64 bit version seems to publishing incorrectly as Adaptive. 32 bit confirmed to work.

Never trust a Beta with your actual projects I guess...

Jessica Atterton

Can someone point me in the direction of where I can find resources that provide a more detailed comparison of the 32 bit versus the 64 bit app? I am also not clear on if developing courses in the 4 bit will provide a better developer experience or it actually means courses will load faster and be better overall for the end user/learner. I have had a google but can't find the answers I am looking for. 

Scott Lindberg

Hi Jessica - there isn't much more in formation to be seen, other than their web page for it:

I am guessing - but feel pretty certain - that this has no effect on the runtime/published files that end users see, and that it is only for a potentially faster developer experience.

Jesse Taber

Hi Jessica. I recently wrote an article that goes into more detail about 64-bit Storyline: Engineering Journal: Demystifying 64-Bit Storyline

To answer your specific question about whether or not 64-bit provides a better developer experience or faster load times for learners: the improvements with the 64-bit version will only be apparent for the course developer using Storyline. There will be no difference in the learner experience.

Jessica Atterton

Thank you so much this was very helpful in clarifying things for me

Many thanks,

Jessica Atterton
Education Manager
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Bill Dane
Jesse Taber

Hi Jessica. I recently wrote an article that goes into more detail about 64-bit Storyline: Engineering Journal: Demystifying 64-Bit Storyline

To answer your specific question about whether or not 64-bit provides a better developer experience or faster load times for learners: the improvements with the 64-bit version will only be apparent for the course developer using Storyline. There will be no difference in the learner experience.

I for one, greatly appreciate your transparency, especially this part: "We opted not to update Storyline 360 to support 64-bit until 2023, which we now realize was a mistake."

Yes, I did have the opinion that you all have very little interest in developing Storyline, as a 64-bit version seemed to be a no-brainer. I built a powerhouse PC for work and all that processing power and memory was for naught when it came to Storyline.

While I have your attention, one minor thing: please give the 64 bit version a different icon so I can easily differentiate it from the old one in my windows taskbar. 

Keep up the good work!

Jim Powell

so many tens of thousands of dollars invested in hardware, GPU's, dedicated PC's and for the better part of decade, i could never get a real boost in productivity.  The good news is that 64 bit version that's finally here seems to have finally done it.  The bad news is that many of us had to suffer for a long time with very little, if almost no shame or remorse on the part of Articulate "we don't have that" was the only response FOR YEARS AND YEARS when asked why other programs on the market -- pretty much anything, had a 64 bit version.

Just so there's no confusion -- it's not the money spent on hardware that was the issue, it's the time required for storyline to perform a 32 bit task.  Now (and that's the good news) in many cases, the 64 bit version reduces the time required by 70 to 90%).

So when I think back about the last ten years and the number of work hours in a year and the potential savings of time that could've been, it's staggering.  Granted, I wasn't compiling/publishing storyline files all that time (where the real time-savings is), but still.  The part that rubbed me the wrong way the most was the hubris exhibited by Articulate and their giant show-booths every time I'd talk to someone from articulate at a trade show about "hey any plans to have a 64 bit Storyline?" was "no" for many years, then "some users have asked for that" to "we're thinking about doing that some time down the future, we'll take your suggestion..."

It surprised the heck out of me when it finally arrived in Beta not long ago.  I'll take it and eventually get over the irritation as long as Articulate keeps working on a computer based (rather than cloud based) platform.  I'm at a hotel in SC right now trying to work on a 5 Mbs internet connection.  If that.

Nancy Cali

I love the text to speech option in SL x64, as we do mostly videos. Is that feature here to stay without any additional cost to me? I went to the AI round table this week and they shared some additional new AI features that will come out next month, but stated that the AI features would cost extra. I'm just trying to get an idea about how much so I can request it on our budget.