Next button won't change to normal

Jun 25, 2020

I have a count variable named scenario, the next and previous are hidden on 0 and change to normal on 3. The previous button works, but the next does not.

I have checked every setting, replaced the variable, replaced the slide and it still doesn't work.

Is this a bug? I just can't figure it out.

21 Replies
Sam Hill

Hi Victoria, you need to be checking the "scenario" variable on Timeline start. Also, to Show/Hide the buttons, you should look for the value being "less than 3" to hide, and "greater than or equal to 3" to show.

I also picked up and issue that you could completed the same scenario multiple times. For example, I could complete the first scenario twice, making the value of scenario four before attempting two. You might want to consider disabling the buttons once the scenarios are complete to prevent that behaviour.

Sam Hill

That’s correct. I think if you include the Seek Bar it would enable Next
once it reach the end of the Seek Bar (slide timeline), unless you included
further instructions on the slide to disable the Next button, where as in
your case, you would have to include some functionality to change Next to
Normal when necessary.

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