Object state changes to shows completion of another scene

Jan 28, 2013

Hi Everyone,

I'm working with variables and states and having some trouble. Basically, I'm trying to have the state of an object on my menu change to show when a section is completed. That way when the learner returns to the menu, it shows which sections they've completed and which ones they still haven't finished.

I've recorded a screenr to show what I've done so far. https://player.vimeo.com/video/204929760

Thanks so much!


4 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lori!

I just had this conversation with another community member and I think the suggestion I implemented for her might work for you as well. Personally, I'm not fond of using variables to change states. Do the navigational buttons you're using have a visited state? What you could do is create a trigger that changes the state of those additional buttons to "taken" when the navigation button state changes to "visited". This far less complicated and hopefully it'll work for you

If you'd like, I'd be happy to test this out in your project's .STORY file and show you exactly what I mean, if you can share the file.


Lori Bottom

HI Christine, I tried using triggers on the nav buttons (instead of variables)  to change the state of the additional buttons (and vice versa)  if either one was visited. I'm still having trouble getting it to work. I've attached my .story file. Thanks so much for offering to look at it for me! (having trouble uploading the file...maybe it's too large. I'll try shortening it.)

Best, Lori

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lori!

You were definitely on the right track, you just needed one more trigger for the ">" buttons to change states. I added these for the first two sections in the modified file I'm attaching. These will change the ">" tabs to "Taken" when the "Introduction" and "The CAR Process" button states change to "Visited". So, they should show green now, once those sections have been viewed. You can copy and paste these triggers onto the following tabs and modify them for the additional buttons for the other sections.

Hopefully, this makes sense. If not, please don't hesitate to ask questions, I'd be happy to give more information. 

Let me know how it turns out!


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