old SL2 file's restricted navigation isn't working as expected

Dec 01, 2016

Hi Heroes,

I have an old SL2 file that was first created in SL1. I have restricted the navigation in the player. Also, on several slides the NEXT button is hidden until the user does something. I have recently republished these courses and suddenly the NEXT button is only active when the audio finishes. On the slides where the user needs to do something, you must perform the action and wait for the audio to end. But if there are layers (with audio) and you don't wait for the base layer to finish it's audio, that darn NEXT button never becomes active. There's no triggers causing this behavior.

I have a very bad recollection of the restricted navigation logic being changed from SL1 to SL2, causing me to change the logic at the slide level for every slide! I'm wondering if in this recent update of SL2 these 4 republished files are confused and using some residual logic from an earlier version. I'm a good little ID and follow all of the local, naming, etc. rules as instructed :)

Finally, I use these settings a lot and have no problem on any other courses. These 4 are the only 4 made in SL1 and then upgraded to SL2.

Any one else experiencing this?  



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