Open Local video in it's own layer or frame

Nov 27, 2015

Hello all, I am assisting in helping a long time user develop a simple game in Story Line 2. Many of the graphics in the game are video based and too numerous to get the project to compile if they are all resources. We have taken to switching to local file usage via "Jump to url/file" triggers. This has been a great help, but does cause the file to open in a browser or media player. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to have the video open up in a layer instead like how you would do it if it was a resource? 

3 Replies
Azizi Abdullah

Hi Richard. Each layer has it's own timeline, which you can place videos on and trigger at will. All you need to do is select the "show layer" trigger for whatever the object is on the base layer that you are using to trigger the videos. You can then manipulate the format of each layer to look like a lightbox slide, include a semitransparent background, put a frame around it and 'X' button to close it altogether. 

Alternatively, you can place each movie on its own slide, and link to each one using the "lightbox" slide trigger on your quiz slide. 

Is that the sort of thing you were thinking of?

Richard Davis


Thank you for the response. I will check into that but I don't think that is quite what we are looking for. We have embedded video working as you describe but are running into issues with videos we have loading from outside the application. So essentially we have some videos that are rather large that are installed with the game but are not published and embedded in the project itself due to size limitations. The triggers to call the files are working but they are opening in default applications such as video is Microsoft media player or text files in Word. What I'm trying to figure out is if it's possible to force it to open inside Storyline itself instead of an external application if it's not loaded as a resource before publishing.

Richard Davis

I figured out how to do what I needed. As a product of my lack of experience with StoryLine I did not realize you could also stream the video as a web object locally. I was able to write some html5 to use in the embedding box and that does exactly what we needed. In case anyone else runs into a similar problem where they need to load some video externally due to size restrictions the code I used is as below:

<video autoplay="" loop="">
<source src="filename.mp4" type="video/mp4"></source>
<source src="filename.ogg" type="video/ogg"></source>
<source src="filename.webm" "="" type="video/webm"></source>
<object data="filename.mp4" width="320" height="240">
<embed src="filename.swf" width="320" height="240">


You would simply change the name of the movie file to your own and then once the project is published just add the video to the local resource folder. This template will auto play the video and loop it, but you can remove both and add any tags you want such as mute or video controls. You can also change the size as part of the html5 but SL's click and drag feature for re-sizing also works and overwrites what is shown above so feel free to resize as needed. The only caveat to this is I was unable to get auto resizing to work for the video itself so if you wanted something like a 800x600 video window the video itself would need to be 800x600 as well otherwise it will not display correctly.

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