Oracle Learning Management system "issue"

Jun 27, 2017


Can someone help please?

We are running an Articulate Storyline 360 module on an Oracle Learning Management system which is a national NHS system and part of ESR.

The main issue is if a learner does not pass the eLearning the first time and re-attempts the module, the content is unreadable meaning users are unable to pass the course - see screen shot.

It’s happening to all employees in this scenario.

The first time the module is viewed the fonts are fine - the second time they display incorrectly. Clearing temporary internet files (Microsoft Edge) resolves the problem.



9 Replies
Avril Cambray

Hi there, I am an NHS employee and I can't get my Mental Capacity course to launch.  It tries to but then prompts me to install Articulate (which I have) but then does nothing.  I have even opened the articulate app but it just prompts me to start by email link etc which I don't have within the ESR framework.

can somebody please advise? It's driving me pretty crazy right now and I need  to pass this course in 30 days.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Avril,

Are you the course author? Do you know what version and update of Storyline the course was published with? There was an issue when iOS 9 was released where courses were prompting to download the mobile player even if it was already installed so we added support in Update 7 of Storyline 2 for iOS 9 and later.

Take a look at this article here and you'll need to republish your courses.  If you're not the course author, please share that article with the course authors to help fix the situation!

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