Pause layer issues

Aug 08, 2013

Hi, everyone

I have a pause layer set up on a Master slide that pauses the timeline on all my slides so that the user has to click play to start the timeline. This works great when you first view the slide, but does not work at all if you return to the slide by clicking the PREV button.

Any ideas for a fix? I want the silde to play only if the user selects play., regardless of whether or not the slide has already been viewed.


6 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jean-Claude,

I looked at Maya's case to see what resolution was shared with her, and Cleo on our Support team shared:

To address the issue, I suggest that you do the following: 
1) Remove the Pause/Play Media triggers.
2) Set your base layer Slide Properties->When revisiting, setting to "Reset to initial state". 
3) To pause/play the timeline of your base layer (which includes the audio, Please use the technique on this link below: 

 If you try to simply pause/play the media, the timeline will still continue to play in the background along with the other objects. 

You can try my initial recommendation of setting the Slide Properties->When revisiting, to "Reset to initial state". Hopefully it will pause the audio when the "Prev" button is pressed. If not then you really need to use the "Pause timeline of base layer" setup. 

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