Pausing storyline

Oct 25, 2013

Hi. I have a problem with my pause feature in storyline. I have added a pause layer and trigger etc which all works fine most of the time. My slides have looping layers which are triggered at the end of the slide timeline to promt the user to interact. If you pause during one of these loops it all goes wrong and the user is unable to progress any further. Is there a way of pausing the layers?

7 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Greg! What are you expecting to happen? You said you had a loop, so what do you mean the user gets stuck? Where do you want them to go and when? When I viewed your project, it went back and forth between Layer 1 and 2 (looped as you mentioned). The pausing of audio within a layer has always been a bit trickier and will probably require more triggers to work properly. You can check out this thread if you'd like.

greg carter

Hi Leslie. Thanks for your responce. I have found that, regardless of layer properies, using layers to pause my presentations doesn't work. I have discovered through trial and error that using a lightbox slide is far more effective and much easier to implement. So far this method has proved to work perfectly with no glitches at all.

Kind regards


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