Playing audio on base layer through other layers

Jun 05, 2013

I've been looking and can not find my answer.  I have a base layer and two other (bold1 and bold2) layers.  I have audio which spans all three. 

How do I get my bold1 to show half way through my baselayer timeline and then bold2 to show 3/4 of the way through my baselayer timeline and then return to the base layer.  When it comes to timing, I only see "Show layer" when timeline ends and timeline starts. 

Thank you!  You all are wonderful.


2 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Fran,

If you know the exact timing when the layers should appear, you can place shapes offstage (outside the slide area) on the Base Layer and position them on the timeline when the new layer should appear. For example, let's say Bold1 should appear at 10 seconds and Bold 2 at 20 seconds

position one shape on the timeline at 10 seconds and add a trigger to it to show Layer Bold1 when the timeline starts FOR THAT SHAPE

position the 2nd shape on the timeline at 20 seconds and add a trigger to it to show Layer Bold 2 when the timeline starts FOR THIS 2ND SHAPE

To get the slide to return to the base layer when the audio is finished, you'll need to have a Hide Layer trigger on the Layer Bold 2. When I tested this, I set it to hide the layer when the timeline ends, and I adjusted the timeline to match when the audio ended.

Let us know if that works for you.

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