Preview is not working on Storyline

Dec 29, 2015

Until last week everything was working great. Today I want to continue working on my project editing voice and images and my preview function on articulate story line (first version) is not working.

Can anyone help? It is urgent as my project has a deadline.

33 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Martha, 

Thanks for reaching out here. This is something that seemed to bubble up over night with a recent release of Flash player and our Support engineers are hard at work on this issue. We've got some updated documentation here and a workaround and we'll keep folks posted on any additional information once we've got information to share. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Thanks for continuing to follow up here and your patience while our team investigates this further. It seems to be an issue within the Adobe Flash update that is affecting more than just Articulate software per the bug report on Adobe's site. The current solution is to rollback the Flash player update and once we have additional information to share in regards to hearing back from Adobe or fixes within Articulate we'll be sure to update folks here and for any open cases associated with this issue. 

Robin Melton

Hi all,

See a similar thread - Preview not working in Storyline 2 - Staff member Ashley posted a link to an Adobe uninstaller.  After uninstalling with the Adobe uninstaller I was finally able to load the previous version as noted in the link for the temporary fix..

This information from Ashley's post below:

If you go to the Adobe Site and download this uninstaller, you are then able to install and older version. Here is the link:

Jeff Harrison


I tried rolling back the Flash and experienced the same error message as Kathy. I also tried doing a full uninstall, deleted the registry files, and re-installed Storyline. That didn't work either. Storyline wants the newer version of the Flash player, but then I get the blank preview screen. The "workaround" I've been told is to publish my project each time I want to preview it. I hope this issue gets resolved ASAP.


Kathy  Schmidt


I go through the Flash uninstall process which seems to work.  But when I reinstall, I get the message that a later version is already installed.  How do I locate these directories?  I use parallels.  Would the directories be on the Windows side?

Delete the following directories:

<home directory>/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player
<home directory>/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash\ Player

Tim Danes

As per my conversation in a similar thread (found here):

As Leslie has pointed out on a number of threads, Articulate has provided a work-around (temporary I hope), but the documentation may need to be corrected (see below).

For me, the following has worked on my multiple devices/installs:

Win 7 (Enterprise)

Use the Articulate Support work-around (click here)

Win 10 (32-Bit)

- Tried following the Articulate Support work-around by searching for the Windows update and uninstalling - FAIL (it's not listed in the Programs)

- Tried the Win 7 solution (uninstall/reinstall - multiple versions/attempts) - FAIL

My Solution:

  1. Typed "Windows Update" into my search bar, and went to "Windows Update - Advanced Options"
  2. Selected 'View your update history'
  3. Selected 'Uninstall updates'
  4. Found the Windows security update mentioned by Articulate Support (KB3132372) and uninstalled it
  5. Restarted my computer

Ta da! :-)  Hope that helps some of your frustration .. and may I say, while this is a potential show-stopper for Articulate, hopefully it will accelerate the need to become less dependent on Flash and shift towards HTML5 in full.

And, thanks to Articulate staff for being so present on these forums, it certainly makes it easy to recommend your product to others!

Leslie McKerchie

I appreciate all of your assistance as well Tim :)

Rajkumar - It sounds like your player may be auto-updating.

According to the Adobe Flash Player Guide, update options let the user specify whether Flash Player should display a notification when a new version is available, and how frequently to check for new versions. When installing the player on Windows the user selects which option they want: 
-Allow Adobe to install updates 
-Notify me to install updates 
-Never check for updates
Choose "Notify me" to be able to decline an update to Flash Player as you reinstall the Player per our instructions above. Here is a link to that guide.

The same workaround stands and we will post any applicable updates to our documentation here and to this thread as well.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Adobe and Microsoft released information that Windows 7, Vista and Windows 10 have been updated. 

Install the latest Windows updates to resolve it.

  1. Go to the Start menu and click Settings.
  2. When the Settings window opens, click Update & Security.
  3. Click Check for updates and allow the latest updates to install.
  4. Reboot your computer and test your Articulate software again.

We're waiting for additional information in regards to Windows 8.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Mark

I'm using WIndows 8.1 and I had to disable IE in Windows Features (as the flash version is packaged as part of IE) then it would allow me to roll back flash version.

I actually  have my windows updates set to download but NOT auto install but that flash update pushed through it's way through.

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