Problems updating Articulate 360

Mar 20, 2018


For the last few days I have been trying to install the updates to Articulate 360. Each time, I get as far as the image shown below. It never installs, and sits like this for hours, until I have to give up.

I am running Windows 10.

Does anyone know what could cause this?

Thanks in advance.


18 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Dave,

Really sorry you're getting stuck in installation. We want to help you get this sorted out right away, so I've opened a case on your behalf (#01308227). One of our engineers will reach out to you shortly.

In the meantime, try the recommendations in this article. Let me know if that helps you!

Mary Medlen

Could someone please share with me what information Robert sent? We just started running Windows 10 and after attempting an update, our team keeps getting notifications that the update failed. We've reached out to Articulate support and they told us to re-start. My manager just reached out again, but if someone here knows the fix, that would be great. Thank you!

Crystal Horn

Hi there, Mary!  It looks like Robert asked Dave to make sure that the necessary ports were open, as listed in this article.

He went on to give some pretty specific steps, including running a cleanup file and reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++.  I didn't see a case with your email.  If it's your manager who opened the case, have them reply with the results of trying our recommendations.  We're always happy to escalate a case or keep chipping away until we can find the trick!

Nicki Berry

I have been using Articulate for over a year with no problems. Yesterday evening, my laptop announced that there was an update available. I set it running. Then something (unrelated to Articulate, I believe) caused my laptop to suddenly restart while the update was running. I got a repeated, very lengthy error page which was hard to get rid of. I couldn't get Articulate to do anything.

Eventually I uninstalled everything related to Articulate and started from scratch, downloading the install file and running it. Now, I get the same as the original post. I've never had to whitelist or unblock ports for it before (though I've now tried that, to no avail). Whatever I do, it just gets stuck at the end and won't do anything.

Can anyone help?

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Hung, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

Absolutely, you can see the full list via the link Crystal shared above, and I'll include it below:

Articulate 360 Network Endpoints

If you're still running into an issue, please reach out to our support team directly to get 1:1 help to get up and running.