Program freezes on "Adding Views..."

Oct 13, 2016

Hi - I've been using Articulate Storyline 2 for a while. The version is up to date (though I can't tell you the exact service pack since I'm not currently able to open the program). Today, the program started freezing when I try to open it. This happens when opening the project directly or by trying to open a .story file. It just hands on booting up (attached is the image of where it stalls).

I've rebooted and uninstalled and reinstalled the program, as per previous posts. There is plenty of space and no memory issues. It's installed on my c:/ and there are no issues with the naming.

If anyone has solved this issue, I'd love any assistance - need to be able to open this program ASAP!



18 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Allison,

Thanks for letting us know what troubleshooting steps you've already gone through. If the behavior is brand new and it was able to be used before, I'd also want to have you go through the full repair process as detailed here and it may not hurt to ensure you've downloaded and tried to install the latest update of Storyline 2 which you could find here.

If you're still having difficulty after that, please reach out to our Support team as they'll be able to work with you to pull some system and error logs. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Pat,

Thanks for reaching out here - this is a developing issue. Our team has been able to track it back to the issue that is with security certificates and it's impacting a number of sites, not just Articulate. Since the "adding views" is trying to pull information from our .COM site that's why it's freezing up. You could temporarily disconnect from the internet to open Storyline and that should allow things to proceed normally. If you're still having difficulty, please reach out to our Support Engineers and they can assist you with some additional steps to help clear the cache associated with the certificates. 

Allison Van Beek

Today I can open the program. No changes on my end from yesterday. Definitely spent a few hours though trouble shooting this - is there a way Storyline can be proactive about issues like this? Or is there a resource I'm missing? Totally understand that it happens, just would like to save myself the frustration, if possible. 

Thank you very much for your quick responses - they were very reassuring!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

No problem Allison - and unfortunately this was one that snuck up on us and a number of other websites. It seems to have occurred if folks tried to access a site using one of these security certificates within a set period of time - even among our support team it only occurred for a few of others, and others were fine. Once the cache had time to clear and be reset - it all went back to normal so it sounds like that is what you encountered. 

ABTS Online

So is there a solution to this other than disconnecting from the Internet every time I want to open Articulate products? I just downloaded 360 and all the desktop based programs are freezing up at "Adding views". They work if I disconnect from the Internet, but this is not a long-term solution. Is there something I need to do with security certificates or with our particular network to solve this problem permanently?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi William,

Thanks for reaching out here and sharing that information. This issue earlier in the discussion was associated with a security certificate that timed out and if you hit the website in that time it caused the issue within Storyline 2. 

As far as Articulate 360, you'll want to ensure that Ports 80 and 443 are open . And if your firewalls are blocking access to Articulate 360, ask your IT staff to allowlist the domains listed in this article

If your organization is behind a proxy server, the Articulate 360 desktop app will detect it and ask you to enter your proxy credentials. See the article below for details. If you're not sure what those credentials are, be sure to ask your IT staff for help. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Greg,

Did you also enable the ports and endpoints indicated?  Have you seen this from the start of your Articulate 360 trial?

It may be easier to work with our Support Engineers on this so that we could take a look at what's happening on your end. I'll start a Support case for you - so keep your eyes peeled for an email from! 

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