published for CD acting weird in some Macs

Feb 24, 2013

Hi, there.  Have my published version on a usb, published to CD, and it seems to work fine on most Macs.  Someone went to use it yesterday, and when they clicked Launch_Story, a box with code appeared.  They could play the material in the story.html version, but no new windows popped up when the links were clicked.  Help please!!!


8 Replies
Frances Steinberg

Can anyone let me know if there's anything else I can do when Macs are using story.html if the new windows won't pop up when they click on the links?  As I said above, I checked their security settings and removed the pop up blocker tick, but the story.html fills the whole screen and other internet windows won't appear.

Just another thought, is it possible to do Publish for Web and place that folder on the usb so it would work better when inserted in the Macs?

Thanks in advance,


Phil Mayor

You are likely to get issues with using the published files on a Mac.  This is because the publish to CD creates a flash projector that allows flash to function locally.  This does not work on the Mac (unfortunately) so you are then left to hope that browser security will not prevent the content working  correctly.  

Frances Steinberg

I understand the issue regarding the publish to CD.  But if I put the Publish to Web folder on the usb, it will work for either Windows or Mac?  Or could I put the Publish to CD on the usb for Windows usesr and Publish to Web folder on the usb for Mac users? I could even label the folders Guide for Windows and Guide for Mac?   Cheers,


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