Published web files automatically redirecting to HTML5

Feb 27, 2017

Is anyone else having the problem where the published web files are automatically redirecting to the HTML5 version? It's intermittent and it's not just me--at least one co-worker is also having this issue with their published files. Sometimes republishing fixes the issue.

My specs: 

Storyline 2 update 11

Windows 10

Chrome latest

4 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hey Keari! Thanks so much for reaching out here. Google introduced a new security feature in Chrome 56 that blocks Flash content unless you give it permission to play. Since you've enabled the HTML5 output, it's going to default to that in Chrome for people running the latest version.

If you choose to not include the HTML5 output when publishing and only want the Flash version available, Google Chrome may instruct your users to Right-click to run Adobe Flash Player when you launch Storyline and Studio courses. This article details a couple ways that learners can handle this new security feature. Again, if you include the HTML5 option when publishing then you won't have to worry about this as it will default to that output in Chrome. This seems to be what you're picking up on in your post, good eye! 

I hope that helps clarify a bit, please let me know if you have further questions! :)

Keari Eggers

Thanks for your reply. It wouldn't be a big deal if the HTML5 version performed as well as the Flash version. I'm testing a course with the HTML5 version right now and grouped items are disappearing for no reason. I've also noticed very fuzzy text in scaled courses when viewing the HTML5 version. The cursor not switching to `pointer` when hovering over certain buttons in the HTML5 version is not only irksome to me as a developer but it also diminishes the user's experience. 

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