Publsihing word image quality

Apr 27, 2017


I want to publish my Storyline project as a word file. when i publish it with a large screenshot (to have the better quality) the screenshots in the word file are not in good quality. Is it somewhere that i can change the quality?

8 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Parham,

When you publish a Storyline file for Word, you'll have these options:

  • Show layers
  • Show slide notes
  • Screenshot size: medium or large

It sounds like you also need a feature to adjust the quality settings of the screenshots. That's a popular request in the forums, and I appreciate you chiming in. Would you mind adding your voice to a feature request?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Pierre,

First, thanks for sharing your voice here. I know this has been a popular request.

The quality of images in ‘Publish to Word’ has gotten noticeably better since Storyline 1, and we’re looking at how we can continue to improve it. Storyline is going to compress the image as a part of the publishing process. Images in Word won’t be as high resolution as you would find in a photo/image editing tool such as Photoshop.

Storyline 360 did include a fix to provide a better experience publishing to Word, as a part of Update 4.

My recommendation is to download a free trial for Articulate 360, and give it a try.

Pierre Jouan

Hi Alyssa,

Thanks for your suggestion. I did try (again) SL360 and it does improve Word export but just because screenshots are actual SL Story Size resolution when SL2 would output only 576*432 at best.

So, if you want the best Word output quality in SL360, just oversize your project (2047*1535). You then just get a bit of Jpeg compression.

I put pictures extracted from all Word ouputs side by side for comparision. "HD" is for oversized Stories.

Maybe this could be a fix for SL2 (doesn't look overly complicated to output images real size)... 

JC Goyette

What if I do not want images? What if I just want the notes, because for my project, it is used to display a narration?

I find it a bit puzzling that you can select image quality, but there is no option to uncheck to get images; it's mandatory.

Why not have this instead?

  • Show layers
  • Show slide notes
  • Show slides
    • (if checked) Screenshot size: medium or large

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