Question Pane for Drag and Drop Slide

May 05, 2014

When I create a new slide with a drag and drop option, it pops up a window for editing drag and drop options.  However, I do not have anything on the screen, so I always close the window and add objects to the slide.  When I get ready to edit the drag and drop questions, I do not know what to select. In the tutorials, it shows a question pane on the right side of the screen.  How can I get this pane to show?

6 Replies
stanton mackellar

(repeated as my images didn't seem to work)

Is this the screen you are referring to?

You need to have two or more "compatible objects" on your slide

From your Slide

Have more than two object (e.g. shapes)

You will notices above the Triggers area:

Click "Edit Drag and Drop" to open the Drag and Drop Question editing window.

Hope this is what you were looking for.


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