Quiz Counter Calculating Problem

Mar 19, 2014

I have a quiz question counter at the top of my quiz slides. We have used this format for several modules with no issues.  For some reason, this time the counter is randomly showing the same number twice and sometimes it will not continue adding/increasing the number count.  Example: Questions 1 of 10, Questions 2 of 10, Question 2 of 10, Questions 3 of 10.   

This problem is occurring when the question bank is set to show all the questions or to only pull 10 randomly (which is what is needed).

I have attached the Quiz scene. Any help would be appreciated

5 Replies
Cheryl Theis

When I try to open the Storyline file, it am receiving an error message that it is 'read only'. When I say Yes to 'would you like to make the file writeable?',  a messager of ' This projec cannot be opened. It may have been created in a newer version of storyline'.

I am not sure how to proceed.  Can you tell me what you adjusted? I can then replicate it in the actual module as what I loaed was one of scenes.

Thank you for the help.

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