Quiz Maker Essay Results

Jul 25, 2019

I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find this answer. We want to add an essay to our presentation. This essay will need to be reviewed for content. Where does the response go? We do not want it to display on the next slide; is there a report we generate to see all user responses?

1 Reply
Vincent Scoma

Hey Kelly, 

Thank you for reaching out! In this scenario, you will want to use a Survey Question which can be used as an Essay question. This will allow learners to write up to  5,000 characters for their response once they are submitted. 

In regards to where the responses go, it will be sent to your LMS. Please note that it is up to your LMS to determine how to process and display the data that is being sent to it.  Some LMS's may not be able to process the data the way that you are looking for.

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