Quiz Point Calculation

Jan 07, 2014

Hi I'm building a question bank with graded multiple-choice questions that have different points for each possible answer.  I was wondering if there is a way to show the user how many total points they have as they go through the quiz.  Thanks!


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Wes and welcome to Heroes! 

There isn't a built in way to show the users score as they progress through the course, but you could set something up by tracking a number variable and displaying that on the screen. Here is a very basic example where you'll see based on what button the user chooses it adjusts a variable TotalScore. It's important that this variable is adjusted prior to submitting the interaction which would jump you to the next slide. 

Also, if you're looking for more of any overall progress indicator, you may want to review this tutorial on how to set up a progress bar. 

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