Quiz Questions not responding to answer

Jul 25, 2019

I have a tutorial with quiz questions.  Every time I publish it SOME of the questions don't allow the user to answer - it just doesn't respond.  It's not always the same questions - a question will work fine one time I publish and not work the next time.  Do I need to just keep on publishing until I get a version that works?  Is there something specific I can look for?  I'm publishing to Review 360.

13 Replies
Jean Luyben

I need the questions to be in that order.  If you look at each draw, you'll see that some of them select 2/3 or 1/2 questions.

I fixed one of the points, so it now adds up to 19/20.  I think I've identified which question it is, because it acts oddly, but I can't figure out why it's doing that.  It's Q5.5 WhereCatBooks.  Instead of moving on to the next slide when I click CONTINUE, it shows the COMPLETED layer.  I don't think it's tracking that grade.

Jean Luyben

The problem with the questions not responding to user input seems to come and go, and perhaps is affected by the browser.  When I run into the problem, I close the tutorial and when I try it again it works.  It hasn't happened in Chrome yet, but it has in Firefox.  I think I've managed to publish to my MLS with all the questions responding, but the best grade I can get is still 19/20.

Jerry Beaucaire

I tried your course in both IE and Chrome and none of the questions stalled, I got a perfect score (18 since two questions are missing).

Try my previous suggestion... replace the 9 separate draws at the end with one draw of 11 randomized questions.  See if maybe that is contributing to the issues you're experiencing.  Sorry I haven't been able to duplicate the issue.

Jerry Beaucaire

For testing, I usually put an onscreen Results.Score  on each slide (or in the Feedback Master) so I can watch the points increase as I go and spot which slides are not scoring correctly.  When I am done I remove those variable boxes.

I see that you want some questions randomized and others to be the exact question.   I'm not 100% confident of the QB usage, so in your scenario I would normally put the questions into the course directly for any questions that aren't randomized, then only do a draw for those few questions where I want it to randomize each time.   But that's just personal taste.

Hmm, still looking.

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