Quiz slide not using Master properties

Apr 09, 2015

I went into my master slides and edited my layouts. I have certain fonts and sizes I want for my quizzes so I updated the "Questions" layout. However, when I add a question, the slide ignores the master. I double checked that I chose the correct layout.   It drives me crazy that the answer text is bigger than the question text.  This is my first time using SL2 and I'm hoping someone can help.  I did peek through some other threads but I couldn't find a solution. 

Question MasterWhat the slide looks like

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mary Kate,

Thanks for sharing that here. So it's flip flopping to font sizes from the master? That sounds unusual, so I'd first want to confirm that you're working on local project files as described here. 

If you have been working locally, I'd like to see one of the .story files if you could share it here with us. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mary Kate,

Thanks for sending that along. I see the behavior in your slide master and when applying that to a new question, but when I add a new slide master, I'm able to apply that one successfully. 

Could you tell me more about how you created this slide master? You mentioned a shared environment  - are there other assets that could have been on the shared network and pulled into this set up? 

Mary Kate Head

Is it bad that I don't remember? I've just been testing/trying out SL2 most of the day and I can't remember what I did. However, I've done a bunch of troubleshooting and I can't consistently replicate the issue. It's odd. Rather than try to explain it here, I documented some of my attempts. I have the Storyline files to go with all except the first attempt if you want them.  Hopefully you'll be able to decipher the steps. If not, i can take a screen capture of them and send them your way. It's similar steps on each one.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mary Kate,

Thanks for sharing that here and I read through them, but didn't see any glaringly obvious errors or mistakes. I'd be curious if you could start a brand new file, and go through the steps using this screen recording tool so that I could try and replicate exactly what you're doing. 

You mentioned testing/trying out SL2, so I assume you recently downloaded it? I'd want to make sure you're using Update 4 which is the latest update - and you can check this by going to the Help tab and clicking on About Articulate Storyline. Has this been happening since you downloaded it? I assume it's installed locally as well? It may be worth going through the repair just in case something did occur as a part of the installation process. 

Mary Kate Head

Ok,  I can't update Java without getting IT involved - they lock down our computers pretty tightly. I used Adobe Connect. Will this work? http://cla.adobeconnect.com/p6khiu1fq6k/ 

I am on Update 4. Due to the IT controls around here repairing will be a process but I will get a ticket started and see if I can get someone to get onto my machine as an admin and do the repair. 

Mary Kate Head

Sorry! Try it now. I forgot to make it public.


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Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mary Kate,

Thanks for updating the info - and I took a look at it, the audio was a bit off, but I got the gist. I'm curious, have you tried without copying and pasting those elements in? I'd like to see if you could do the same thing on an entirely clean file - meaning brand new, located on the local drive, and don't copy/paste other elements from this problematic file in the event that there is corruption associated with the file. Then, if that doesn't exhibit the behavior I'd try adding in an image or shape from your local drive or directly in Storyline to see how that works. 

Please keep us posted on that and if you're able to conduct the repair. 

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