Quiz: When returning to the base layer from an incorrect layer, how can I re set the quiz but omit the audio

Mar 23, 2022

in a quiz, when returning to base layer from a layer, how can I reset the quiz without resetting the audio

2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

There are a lot of things to consider here.

When you click Try Again, it doesn't reset anything, it just hides the Try Again layer. You will be back at the quiz and the audio won't play, but the answers will be the same as they were. 

If you want to start the quiz slide over, you can keep the audio from playing by using a variable, because variables are independent of the slides. They change only if a trigger changes them. So you would use:"Play audio when timeline starts on this slide if variable audioPlayed = false." and "Set variable audioPlayed to true when audio completes."  The audio won't play, the answers will be reset, but so will the number of attempts.

So there are trade-offs. The best way is to find a way to reset the answers without restarting the slide, but that is highly dependent on what kind of quiz you are using. Of course, if you con't care about the number of attempts, you can use a variable and reset the slide.