Reset interaction work around

Jan 13, 2021

I have found a workaround, but hoping there is a more elegant way to achieve this...

I have a drag and drop exercise with 2 attempts. It has an introduction/instruction message and animations that I don't want repeated when they do "try again".

My workaround is to make it one attempt and then if they get it wrong, the try again button causes a jump to a duplicate slide with the same interaction but no introduction or animations (so it looks just like it reset).

Then, if they get it wrong again or correct, it just jumps to the next slide with the appropriate correct/incorrect feedback.

Do any of you see any flaws in doing it this way? Is there a more elegant way to reset an interaction?

Thank you all!


20 Replies
Joanne Chen

Hi Victoria,

I think it is not bad for learners to see what their first time choice before doing the second try. However, if you really want the slide to be reset, you can do a little trick by adding variables and triggers below. 

  1. Add a numeric variable, e.g. q1attempt, with initial value to zero.
  2. On base layer Trigger: Add 1 to variable q1attempt  when user clicks submit BTN.
  3. On Try Again layer Trigger: Jump to the same question slide When the user clicks Try Again BTN on the condition of q1attamp is Less than 2.
  4. On Try Again layer Trigger: Show layer Incorrect When the timeline starts on the condition of q1attamp is equal to 2. 
  5. Set slide property to  "Reset to initial state" when revisiting.
Victoria Sublette

I thought maybe adding a variable to set to true when they clicked Try again would work. What it does now is reset and jump back up to the top, but when you try to drag a box down to drop it, all of the other boxes appear where they were originally dropped!!!

Arg!!!!!! I just can't get this to work.

Gerry McAteer

Hi Victoria, I just noticed that you have uploaded your file, I will have a look at it when I have a spare moment, however I have uploaded my drag demo where you can see how and where I set the triggers for the drag and drop. Hopefully you will be able to use this to help you with your file. Cheers Gerry 

Joanne Chen

Hi Victoria,

Well, I am not sure about the goal you would like learners to achieve. But most important thing is not to test how good they are but to make sure they can learn from it. So if I were you I will set this activity to unlimited attempts and show the correct items when hitting submit. So they will have chance to reset the incorrect ones until they can get them all correct. In this case, you won't need variables to detective attempts and return to the slide but use different states to show each item result.

You can take a look at the below file which I modified from yours. 

Victoria Sublette

What I'd like is a simple way of just clicking Try again, the slide resets and all of the pieces go back into place. Without having to instruct the learner to drag everything back in place themselves. So inelegant!

It's hard to believe that there has to be so much programming and work-arounds to do this in Articulate!

Thank you so much for your help, but I think my two-slide workaround was the simplest solution.


Gerry McAteer

Hi Victoria, I did have a look at it and I ran into issues with the 'tile' setting for the drop target. It was repopulating the incorrect labels back onto the drop target whenever I moved a dragged label over any of the drop targets. So I thought maybe a slightly different approach would be to keep returning the label to the original start until you place it onto the correct target. To make it more interesting I added some variables which count the correct and incorrect tries and is displayed back to the user. In this scenario there is no need for a 'try again' as you evaluate as you drop onto the target. The 'continue' option automatically appears via a trigger once all labels have been dropped. File attached. Cheers Gerry