Resizing Player to Fit Powerpoint Content

Apr 21, 2023


I am currently working on importing previously created Presenter material into Storyline.  The slide content appears to be 720x405 and therefore has a white border around the content when viewed within the player/on the slide.  I would prefer for the content to take up the entirety of the player window.  When I attempt to change the size of the slide in the "Slide Size" option window to match the content size, it makes the slide much larger than the content. Is it possible to change the player window size so only the content shows?  I'm sure this is an easy fix, but I just can't seem to figure it out. 

8 Replies
Eric Schaffer

I think when you go to publish the project, you can go to the other setting on the properties page. There you will find a small gear in the tool bar. Click to open the settings. Try clicking on the box " Launch player in new window (create launch page)." Then make sure "Browser size: " is set to "Resize browser to optimal size."

That would be my first choice. 

Also, I know I had issues with changing the size after the slide were imported. Luckly, I had not gone far enough into the project to just dump it, resize my storyline and reimport. 


Good luck

Kaitlyn Grantner


Thanks for the reply! The size in the browser is not the issue, it is the size of the Presenter files being brought into Storyline and the size within the player window. In the attachment you can see how the existing content will not fill the entire player window (extra space highlighted in yellow).  When I attempt to match the slide size to the size of the imported content (720px by 405 px) it alters the slide size even larger.

Kaitlyn Grantner

I can definitely resize the SL slides in the future at the begining as I continue to work on similar projects. 

As the referenced file is already really large with a lot of content, what are your recommendations as to how to resize the SL slides? I included attachments in my original post showing that when I attempt to resize the SL slides to the size of the imported content, it skews it even further. 

Walt Hamilton

I can emphasize with your frustration. On the other hand, I appreciate SL’s desire to maintain placements and aspect ratios when resizing.

The only solution I can think of is to put a background on the slides that covers the white space. Use either a color, or maybe something related to your branding. I know it may not give the best appearance, but I really think starting over is your only other option.

Kaitlyn Grantner

Great idea Walt! In the interest of time (and the fact that this design issue really does not impact the content quality or learner experience) I ended up changing the slide color to match the player within our branding guidelines.  It essentially gives the illusion I was hoping for! Thanks so much for the suggestion!