Review Quiz mode

May 30, 2018

I have my quiz set up to review the quiz at the end. I also have a lightbox in the post-review quiz to lightbox the slide with the information for the question. I want this for reviewing incorrect answers. When I preview this everything works except when I exit the lightbox. After I exit the lightbox and hit next, it goes back to the previous question. If I exit the lightbox then hit previous and then next, it proceeds to the next question like it is supposed to. 

How do I make it so the next button moves to the next question and not the previous question when I am reviewing my answers?

I am also using storyline 3.

13 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi, Rena. So sorry you're at this roadblock.

Although I don't have an update to share yet, we promise to update this conversation with any new information. Here's an inside look at how we tackle bugs

While we continue to look into this bug, we're happy to have a look at your project to see what custom approaches we can offer. If you're able to share the .story file, please use this private upload link. We'll let you know what we find and will delete the file after!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Paul,

It looks like this issue has been open for a bit, so it may be prior to the available updates in the 360 Desktop app. As it's very specific to the lightbox + a question slide + navigating a course in Review mode, and it hasn't been reported by a lot of folks it's still open with our team. 

We'll keep you posted here with any new information, but it sounds like changing that behavior in the meantime would be the best option. 

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.